
发布日期:2017-12-20 09:28:31 阅读数:997

“Dark energy,” a mysterious force thatcounters gravity, has been proposed to explain why the universe is expanding atan accelerating rate. Mathematicians at UC Davis and the University ofMichigan, Ann Arbor, argue for an alternative. Galaxy cluster image from theHubble Space Telescope.




Three mathematicians have a differentexplanation for the accelerating expansion of the universe that does withouttheories of "dark energy." Einstein's original equations for GeneralRelativity actually predict cosmic acceleration due to an"instability," they argue in paper published recently in Proceedings of the Royal Society A.

三位数学家们对宇宙加速膨胀提出了不同的解释,认为不需要“暗能量”理论。他们的论文最近发表在“Proceedings of the Royal Society A”称爱因斯坦原始的广义相对论方程实际上预测了由于“不稳定性”而导致的宇宙加速度。

About 20 years ago, astronomers made astartling discovery: Not only is the universe expanding—as had been known for decades—butthe expansion is speeding up. To explain this, cosmologists have invoked amysterious force called "dark energy" that serves to push space apart.



Shortly after Albert Einstein wrote hisequations for General Relativity, which describe gravity, he included an"antigravity" factor called the "cosmological constant" tobalance gravitational attraction and produce a static universe. But Einsteinlater called the cosmological constant his greatest mistake.



When modern cosmologists began totackle cosmicacceleration and dark energy, they dusted off Einstein's cosmologicalconstant as interchangeable with dark energy, given the new knowledge about cosmicacceleration.



That explanation didn't satisfymathematicians Blake Temple and Zeke Vogler at the University of California,Davis, and Joel Smoller at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

这个解释并不能说服加州大学戴维斯分校的数学家Blake Temple和Zeke Vogler以及密歇根大学安阿伯分校的Joel Smoller。


"We set out to find the bestexplanation we could come up with for the anomalous acceleration of thegalaxies within Einstein's original theory without dark energy," Templesaid.



The original theory of General Relativityhas given correct predictions in every other context, Temple said, and there isno direct evidence of dark energy. So why add a "fudge factor" (darkenergy or the cosmological constant) to equations that already appear correct?Instead of faulty equations that need to be tweaked to get the right solution,the mathematicians argue that the equations are correct, but the assumption ofa uniformly expanding universe of galaxies is wrong, with or without darkenergy, because that configuration is unstable.



An unstable solution


Cosmological models start from a"Friedmann universe," which assumes that all matter is expanding butevenly distributed in space at every time, Temple said.



TempleSmoller and Vogler worked out solutions to General Relativitywithout invoking dark energy. They argue that the equations show that theFriedmann space-time is actually unstable: Any perturbation—for example if thedensity of matter is a bit lower than average—pushes it over into anaccelerating universe.



Temple compares this to an upside-downpendulum. When a pendulum is hanging down, it is stable at its lowest point.Turn a rigid pendulum the other way, and it can balance if it is exactlycentered—but any small gust will blow it off.



This tells us that we should not expect tomeasure a Friedmann universe, because it is unstable, Temple said. What weshould expect to measure instead are local space-times that accelerate faster.Remarkably, the local space-times created by the instability exhibit preciselythe same range of cosmic accelerations as you get in theories of dark energy,he said.



What this shows is that the accelerationof the galaxies could have been predicted from the original theory of General Relativity withoutinvoking the cosmological constant/dark energy at all, Templesaid.



"The math isn't controversial, the instabilityisn't controversial," Temple said. "What we don't know is, does ourMilky Way galaxy lie near the center of a large under-density of matter inthe universe."

“数学计算没有争议,不稳定性也没有争议,”Temple说。 “我们不知道的是,我们的银河系是否靠近宇宙中物质密度较低的中心。”


The paper does include testablepredictions that distinguish their model from dark energy models, Temple said.



Dark energy

Mysterious 神秘的

Force 力

Gravity 引力

Expand 扩张,膨胀

Accelerating 加速的

Alternative 替换的

Cluster 星团

General relativity 广义相对论

Cosmic 宇宙的

Instability 不稳定性

Startling 惊人的

Discovery 发现

Decade 十年

Cosmologist 宇宙学家

Antigravity 反重力,反引力

Static 静态的

Balance 平衡

Attraction 吸引

Tackle 解决

Anomalous 反常的

Fudge 草率的

Tweak 扭,捏,苦恼

Uniformly 一致的,均匀的

Configuration 结构,形态,配置

Distribute 散布,分配

Invoke 实行,要求

Perturbation 动摇,混乱

Density 密度

Pendulum 钟摆

Gust 一阵强风








注:数独是一种源自 18 世纪末的瑞士数学家欧拉所创造的拉丁方块游戏。传数独源起于拉丁方阵( Latin Square ), 1970 年代在美国发展,改名为数字拼图( Number Place )、之后流传至日本并发扬光大,以数学智力游戏智力拼图游戏发表。在 1984 年一本游戏杂志《パズル通信ニコリ》正式把它命名为数独,意思是“在每一格只有一个数字”。后来一位前任香港高等法院的新西兰籍法官高乐德( Wayne Gould )在 1997 年 3 月到日本东京旅游时,无意中发现了。他首先在英国的《泰晤士报》上发表,不久其他报纸也发表,很快便风靡全英国,之后他用了 6 年时间编写了电脑程式,并将它放在网站上,使这个游戏很快在全世界流行